Nursing Care

A signed requisition from a Québec certified Doctor or a Nurse Practitioner is Required to ensure a follow-up care for services as various injections and suture removals.

You have a medical prescription for a specific injection? Bring your injectable to BloomLab, and a certified nurse will take care of you!

Please take note that we do not provide injections for allergy desensitisation.

Our most common injections as Depo-Provera, Vitamin B12, Prolia, Antibiotic Injections, Anti-Coagulants (Heparin), Medication for Inflammatory bowel disease, Schizophrenia Injection, etc.

Services $Fees
Ear Cleaning (Medical Requisition NOT Required)  100
Various Injections (Medical Requisition Required) 100/session
Package of 5 Injections (Bring your Medication) 320
Sutures Removal (Medical Requisition Required) 120
Wound Dressing Changes 120
Vital Signs Follow-Ups (Blood Pressure, Pouls Rate, Respiration Rate, Blood Oxygen and Temperature) 40
Corporate Services for Vaccination (For 10 people +)

On Demand

For every service received at BloomLab, an insurance receipt will be provided on demand.

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